Let yourself be Wooed (Oi magazine)
work f« a dc-o.-dopment center. t ,a w th.-t therc Wll.’I a lot of
talent and ft”JSOUl’CCI in the country. bat labo AW tbat many people did not ba,–e IICX!elll to opportunitil”$ or marhu.; ,:ay,
S.ukia de K1u•gt. founder and C-EO of huur y life:styk brand
WOO (“‘\\’00• $1.:md,; f« -..-mld ol’ opportunitd). Th.i,
ob$C:’rvation dro..-c he r to crnk’ a bra.ud that v.vuld empo””<‘r diud,·an pt’Ople, •·hil c al.’SO bcing JlOcially repomihlc and emimnmmtall y friendly. • In crellling our product wc
,t.m” to impllct the fü-e: of’ pc:vplc engaged in our hr.mei in a poeiiti,’I’ • to efflJl’0″‘-«’11’ them, to educatc thC’ffl, and to be
good fm-the t’n,;nm.ment; ,he iwkb. l’rodtlcts ra fmm can dk,. to petfume:s itnd dilfwicn. all 6ni,bed •ith a Etu-ope
an-in,pired de:sip. Bued in both Am,terd:un and Vit’!tnam, WOO (11:’00t’aru..t’Om) i, a global rom v.itb a foewi on
crntin.g: emp]oyment opportunitW IICf’Oelll v-.etn and open·
ing up ml muh!t,; to Vit’!lname$C:’ pcopk. WOO producu att curren tty anibhlc to p!Uffl.ue in The Sn.-p Ciûe (32 Tran Ngoc Dien, D2), •·ith a,hopopming nexl)””eU in District 1 .
tn,tt’;id of’Joolcing a t people wtlo not yet rompletdy